Become a fully qualified beauty therapist in only 9 weeks!

Glitz & Glamour Hair & Beauty Accredited Training Academy - Fast-Track Into Hair & Beauty for a limited time only £997! (usual cost £1701)

Complete your training with Lyn founder of Glitz & Glamour. “I’m an experienced beauty therapist, salon owner and I’m a fully qualified hair & beauty accredited trainer. I understand as a busy working mum myself how it is balancing work and family life. I’m offering accredited training to work around your current job and childcare needs.”
Once you’ve secured your spot you can begin your training when your ready. You will spend one day per week for nine weeks in person at Glitz & Glamour Training Academy completing course work and assessments. Once you’ve successfully completed your training course, you will be awarded your accredited certificates so you can obtain insurance from a whole choice of top insurers.
We use only top quality professional products and equipment to ensure a professional high quality service. It’s a pre-requisite that you must purchase your kits from Glitz & Glamour. The Fast-Track into Hair & Beauty kit cost is £700.
Here’s which qualifications you will achieve over the 9 weeks;
Glitz & Glamour Professional Airbrush Tanning
Glitz & Glamour Hair Styling
Glitz & Glamour Makeup Artist
Glitz & Glamour Spa Manicure & Pedicure
Glitz & Glamour Gel Polish & Uv/Led Gel Nail Technician
Glitz & Glamour Luxury Facial Therapy
Glitz & Glamour Eye Treatments Specialist
Glitz & Glamour Professional Eyelash Technician
Glitz & Glamour Waxing Specialist
And it doesn’t end there..
💫You will also receive a GLITZ & GLAMOUR TRAINING WELCOME PACK inside you will find EXCLUSIVE FREEBIES
💫You will have access to the Glitz & Glamour Members Mobile App - on successful completion of Fast-Track into Hair & Beauty you will be rewarded with the GLITZ & GLAMOUR GRADUATE badge.
💫DISCOUNT CODE to SAVE £££ on your next Glitz & Glamour TRAINING COURSE
💫DISCOUNT CODE to save £££ on your next Glitz & Glamour BEAUTY SUPPLIES ORDER
To request your Glitz & Glamour Training Academy Prospectus please email here for all your beauty needs.
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