Why learn with Glitz & Glamour Hair & Beauty Accredited Training Academy?
💫One2One Training with myself - I’m an EXPERIENCED salon owner, beauty therapist & aesthetics practitioner and I’m a FULLY QUALIFIED hair & beauty ACCREDITED trainer.
💫Professional Service & Industry Knowledge - I’ve written all my own training manuals from scratch so your getting the LATEST INDUSTRY KNOWLEDGE and GREAT TIPS your training course will most definitely be FUN & INFORMATIVE
💫Industry leading Hair & Beauty Kits - We use only TOP QUALITY PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS & EQUIPMENT to ensure a professional high quality service
💫Payment Plans Available
💫Flexible Training - I understand as a busy working mum myself how it is balancing work and family life so I’m offering training to work around YOUR current job or childcare NEEDS
💫when you’ve successfully completed your training course, I will issue your ACCREDITED CERTIFICATE so you can obtain INSURANCE from a whole choice of top insurers

And it doesn’t end there...
💫You will also receive a GLITZ & GLAMOUR TRAINING WELCOME PACK inside you will find glitz8glamour.com EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNTS & FREEBIES
To REQUEST your Glitz & Glamour Accredited Training Academy Prospectus email info@glitz8glamour.com
glitz8glamour.com here for all your beauty needs.
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